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WITandWISDOM(tm) - July 27, 1998


A good man doubles the length of his existence. To have lived so as to look back with pleasure on life is to have lived twice. - Marcus Valerius Martialis (c.40-c.104)

(CARING QUOTES, collected and edited by the brothers Val and Bill Halamandaris)


Did you ever hear of Edson Rogers, the son of a wealthy farmer in Virginia? This lad died of wounds in the tragic war between the states. He was a fine specimen of young manhood, and during those hard days of fighting he had met Robert Sawyer. They became bosom pals, enduring much together. Bob was a poor orphan, but Ed came from a well-respected family.

Near the end of the war Edson was mortally wounded. Realizing his life was fast ebbing away, he asked Bob to promise he would go to his parents' plantation and tell them of their wonderful friendship. But Bob said, "I am only a poor boy, they will not believe me, they will think I am an impostor." But Ed had thought it all through and had written a letter in a very shaky hand. He gave it to Bob to deliver. Their farewell was sad and sudden.

A few months later the war was over, and Bob timidly made his way to the Rogers mansion. His clothes were shabby, which made things worse. But when he explained his visit and delivered the letter, all was changed. Later, when he started to leave, the father said, "Bob, you must not go. We want you here. Edson was our dearest treasure; he was everything to us. Won't you come to our home and be a son in his place?"

What an invitation! A poor orphan boy suddenly becoming a son and heir, to be loved and honored in a home of luxury! How did it happen? It was Edson's name that made the difference. - By Roy Allan Anderson,

Signs of the Times, July 1966 http://www.pacificpress.com/signs

(Shared by Dale Galusha)



Lynn Thomas, a first-grade teacher at Weimer Elementary in St. Albans, saved a copy of a survey done in her class a few years ago. Students were asked to decide who would be better qualified to do a particular job, men or women, and why.

Some of the answers from the boys:

DOCTOR - Men. They don't care what they do to sick people and they know more things to do and they don't feel much.

CHEMICAL WORKER - Men. They can hold their breath long if chemicals leak out.

SCHOOL PRINCIPAL - Men. They are meaner.

SALES CLERK - Men. They don't scream when they get robbed.

COAL MINER - Men. They can run faster and get out quicker.

MAIL CARRIER - Men. Men aren't afraid of dogs, and men can wear shorts and never freeze.

Some of the answers from the girls:

CHEMICAL WORKER - Men. Men know how fix things when they explode.

JUDGE - Men. They have louder voices to yell with.

AUTHOR - Men. Men write faster and sloppier.

COAL MINER - Men. They are better at dangerous jobs and don't scream so much.

DISC JOCKEY - Men. They like to talk more than women.

COLLEGE PROFESSOR - Women. They listen more.

CHILD CARE WORKER - Women. They know how to take care of kids better. They do it all the time when they are just moms.

NURSE - Women. Women take care of kids when they throw up so they know how to take care of sick people.

(Shared by Teresa's Jokers http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Delphi/5655/)


According to an article in "Today in the Word," soon after Queen Victoria's marriage to Prince Albert the couple had a quarrel whereupon Prince Albert locked himself in his private apartment. Queen Victoria knocked furiously on his door.

"Who's there?" asked Albert.

"The Queen of England, and she demands to be admitted."

There was no response and the door remained locked. The queen knocked furiously again.

"Who's there?" asked Albert again. The Queen's response was the same. . .as was Albert's. After more furious knocking and no response came a quiet pause - and then a gentle tap.

"Who's there?" Albert asked once more.

"Your wife, Albert," the queen replied. Immediately the door was opened.

(Shared by Daily Encounter http://www.gospelcom.net/actsi/daily/)


Unemployment's adverse effects on health are well know. But now researchers have learned that in companies with a large number of layoffs, remaining workers are up to seven times more likely to go on a long-term sick leave than employees in companies in which minor downsizing has taken place. The effect was strongest in companies in which there were many workers age 50 and older. - The Lancet (Quoted in Vibrant Life)

WITandWISDOM™ Copyright © 1998-2001 by Richard G. Wimer - All Rights Reserved
Any questions, comments or suggestions may be sent to Richard G. Wimer.