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WITandWISDOM(tm) - April 14, 2003
ISSN 1538-8794

~~~~~~~ THOUGHTS:

Think big thoughts but relish small pleasures. - H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

Source: The Funnies, http://groups.yahoo.com/group/andychaps_the-funnies


A young teacher in a developing country once had a little girl in her class who had no shoes. One weekend the teacher bought the child a pair of shoes. The next year the teacher moved to a different school, where she taught until she retired.

Shortly after retiring, this teacher became ill and was hospitalized. In the hospital she was treated like royalty. When she recovered, she wanted to thank the person responsible for the special care. She was told it was the medical director of the hospital who had ordered the VIP treatment.

When the teacher went to the medical director's office, she was surprised to find that the doctor was a woman in her early forties. As she thanked her, the doctor interrupted. "I wanted to thank you," she said. Her words bewildered the teacher. "You don't remember me, do you?" said the doctor. "You bought me a pair of shoes many years ago. Your care for me inspired me to want to care for others, so I became a doctor. And finally I was able to thank you for the shoes."

By Richard Bauman, West Covina, California

Source: Signs of the Times, Copyright (c) January 2003, Pacific Press, http://www.signstimes.com

Submitted by Dale Galusha

~~~~~~~ THIS & THAT:

What I Didn't Know Until I Had Kids . . .

How many seconds it takes to microwave four fish slicks perfectly.

Who John Jacob Jingle Heimershmitt is.

How to change a diaper In the dark in a parked car, on a standing child and all of the above simultaneously.

Which lines of "The Cat in the Hat" and "If I Ran the Circus" can be skipped over without a child noticing.

How bright a 3 a.m. full moon is.

The design marvels of hooded towels. Velcro-strap shoes and mitten clips.

Locations of public restrooms all across town.

Why anyone would bother retracing their steps for miles just to retrieve a lost blankie.

That tigers live in the trees in our backyard.

How to open a van door while bobbling 2 lunch boxes, two extra coats, a purse, a diaper bag and a baby.

The fine art of vacuuming a floor with out hosing up a Barbie shoe or a Playmobil cannonball.

That solid white socks get lost in the dryer at a much slower rate than do the mates of patterned socks that coordinate to special outfits.

How little sleep a human body truly needs to function.

Almost every Disney lyric ever penned.

How to spell amoxicillin, let alone say it.

That one can never own too many sippy cup lids or refrigerator magnets.

Scientific names of dinosaurs from A to Z.

That reverse psychology really works.

The recipe for a homemade version off play-doh.

The distinctive sounds of Cheerios crunching underfoot.

Why they call them Happy meals.

How far you can dilute juice and still retain its taste.

That man (or child anyway) really can live on peanut butter alone.

Sesame Street's air time.

That the more my kids learn, the less I seem to know.

The blessedness of naps, the inviolate importance of routines.

How much you can love one human being.

Source: The Flush(tm), http://www.funinmichigan.com/index.htm


While waiting for my first appointment in the reception room of a new dentist, I noticed his certificate, which bore his full name. Suddenly, I remembered that a tall, handsome boy with the same name had been in my high school class some 30 years ago.

Upon seeing him, however, I quickly discarded any such thought. This balding, gray-haired man with the deeply lined face was too old to have been my classmate.

After he had examined my teeth, asked him if he had attended the local high school.

"Yes," he replied.

"When did you graduate?" I asked.

He answered, "In 1964."

"Why, you were In my class!" I exclaimed.

He looked at me closely and then asked, "What did you teach?"

Source: The Flush(tm), http://www.funinmichigan.com/index.htm

~~~~~~~ TRIVIA:

HyperSonic Sound

HyperSonic Sound, the latest creation by a prolific inventor, Woody Norris, 61. Unlike traditional speakers, which scatter sound, Norris' device streams it in a precise, laser-like beam for up to 130 yards with almost no degradation in quality or volume. If that seems incredible, trust me, it is. When I met Norris in September he pointed the 7-inch-square emitter at me from 30 feet away. Suddenly I heard the sound of birds chirping. The noise didn't seem to emanate from his device; I felt like it was generated inside my noggin. Yet a guy just 2 feet away from me couldn't hear it.

For more information about HyperSonic Sound visit:

By David Sparrow

Source: Popular Science, December 2002, http://popsci.com

Submitted by Joe Kinnane

WITandWISDOM™ ISSN 1538-8794 - Copyright © 1998-2003 by Richard G. Wimer - All Rights Reserved
Any questions, comments or suggestions may be sent to Richard G. Wimer.